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HITW February Club Meeting
Event Contact(s)
Frank Sabatier
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
Our friends from Hole In The Wall are inviting everyone to their February club meeting:
Club Member Elizabth Drozda is a science educator, environmental manager, and Program Coordinator for the Salish Sea School in Anacortes.
She will be at the Breazeale Center to give us a presentation on the Salish Sea School and its programs. Elizabeth is passionate about ecology and stewardship.
Come and learn more about our beloved Salish Sea! Or join us on Zoom - link below.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
Social time with refreshments and a chance to check out library materials: 6:30 PM.
Presentation begins 7:00 PM.
Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
10441 Bayview Edison Rd, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
For video link see here:
Join Zoom Meeting 2161550611?pwd= MDd0TWdwMmNwNlQwaHBxVW9aRExsdz 09&omn=82231814785
Meeting ID: 216 155 0611
Passcode: Kayak
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